Making cookies is good for the soul and the tastebuds. Did you know that there are actually six types of cookies? Dropped, rolled, molded, refrigerator, pressed, or bar cookies. On this Top 10 Cookie Recipes List, I will let you know which category each one falls into. Read on to gain a little baking knowledge and enjoy a delicious date night with your sweetheart at the end! 1 . The Best Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe – This is a classic drop or rolled cookie. We love using a cookie scoop to keep the shape uniform. Remember to give about 2″ of space between cookies since they are notorious for spreading. Mmm I can smell them already! 2 . Sugar Cookie Recipe – Your new favorite rolled sugar cookie recipe. You often need to chill the dough before rolling it out and going all out with those cookie cutters. 3 . Scotcheroos – Do scotcheroos count as a cookie? If they do, these are my favorite bar cookie around. You get a nice crisp AND chocolate experience. What’s not to love?! 4 . Refrigerator Sprinkle Cookies – This sweet sprinkle cookie will make everyone in your family smile! Plus, there are not that many cookie recipes that look as cute rolled up and raw as this one! 5 . Buttery Spritz Cookies – This recipe will rock your cookie press! These are usually holiday cookies, but they are delightful any time of the year. 6 . Peanut Butter Cookie Recipe – One of my favorite molded cookies! I love the idea of dipping a cooled PB cookie into some melted chocolate too. 7 . Inside Out Chocolate Cookie – Make this delicious, deep chocolate dough, then mellow the chocolate out with some white chips! 8 . Chewy Ginger Molasses Cookie – I love a soft molasses cookie and this one totally hits the mark! 9 . Oatmeal Raisin – People love to joke about being tricked by oatmeal raisin cookies, but I know I’m not the only one who loves those chewy delights. The cinnamon in this cookie recipe is exactly what I’ve been needing! 10 . Chocolate Chip Bar Cookie – We had to come back to the OG cookie, chocolate chip, but in a bar style. This chocolate chip cookie recipe has all your favorite flavors, but saves you the time of rolling or dropping three dozen individual cookies!

Where to Buy the Best Cookies

Sometimes you all want the goodness with none of the work, am I right?! So where exactly has the best chocolate chip cookies? Or other flavors for that matter?! I’m of the opinion that there is no one right answer to this question! You can find some absolutely delectable cookies at small, local bakeries or big national chains. If you don’t have options in your town, a lot of places ship now. Here are a few of our favorites to include in your cookie taste-off date (see more details below!) Don’t underestimate your grocery store either! Grocery store bakeries often have great cookie options that are available fresh every day. Once you have your cookies chosen, it’s time to move onto the main event: Date Night!

Date night and cookies are quite possibly my two favorite things on this earth. Putting them together was clash of two beautiful worlds. To get this night rolling, just ask your spouse if they’d like a sweet treat tonight (yes, you can add in a little wink so they know there is something extra sweet at the end!) For this date, we have a score sheet, game, and an intimate invite ready for you to print and use! Keep scrolling!

First up, the score card! The printable score sheet (linked below) has spots for five different cookies. You can do fewer, of course, but we think 5 is a nice number for taste test. Keep everything simple by using a 1 – 5 scale to rate the cookies based on the following categories:

Color Texture Flavor

By the way, both of you get your own score sheet. You can keep your scores secret or share at the end and compare! For each cookie, give a category score and a total score. When you are done tasting all of your cookies, check out the totals and you’ll find your winner!

Date Night Baking Balderdash Game

While you ponder the pros and cons of each cookie, play a little game! Now presenting: Baking Balderdash! The rules are a little different when you only have two people playing, but are all laid out in the printables at the end of the post! You basically give your spouse four definitions and see if they can match it with the correct baking term. How fun, huh? The cards are designed so that you can fold them in half and have a 2-sided card. Make sure to hide the answers on the back of the card! FYI, both the terms and the definitions are in the correct order. Remember to mix up the definitions when you give them to your spouse. This is a fun little guessing game and hey, it might even level up your cooking and baking game!

When you are all done with your cookies, slip your spouse an invite for a sweet treat in the bedroom! This sexy cookie invitation is printable so it can be set up as a tent card. It would be really fun to ask your spouse to go get some cups or napkins and have this set up in the cupboard as a surprise. As they go to retrieve the requested item, hurry off to your room and get ready for a very excited spouse to hustle on in right behind you! PS: We included two adorable and delightful recipe cards with some family secrets: the best chocolate chip cookie recipe and our favorite soft, sugar cookie recipe, in the printable pdf below! We hope you enjoy them AND the TASTIEST date night ever! 😉

Cookie Taste Test Date   Top 10 Best Cookie Recipes - 21Cookie Taste Test Date   Top 10 Best Cookie Recipes - 21Cookie Taste Test Date   Top 10 Best Cookie Recipes - 32Cookie Taste Test Date   Top 10 Best Cookie Recipes - 29Cookie Taste Test Date   Top 10 Best Cookie Recipes - 22Cookie Taste Test Date   Top 10 Best Cookie Recipes - 66Cookie Taste Test Date   Top 10 Best Cookie Recipes - 28Cookie Taste Test Date   Top 10 Best Cookie Recipes - 33Cookie Taste Test Date   Top 10 Best Cookie Recipes - 65Cookie Taste Test Date   Top 10 Best Cookie Recipes - 30Cookie Taste Test Date   Top 10 Best Cookie Recipes - 5Cookie Taste Test Date   Top 10 Best Cookie Recipes - 66Cookie Taste Test Date   Top 10 Best Cookie Recipes - 93Cookie Taste Test Date   Top 10 Best Cookie Recipes - 94Cookie Taste Test Date   Top 10 Best Cookie Recipes - 83Cookie Taste Test Date   Top 10 Best Cookie Recipes - 80Cookie Taste Test Date   Top 10 Best Cookie Recipes - 42