2. Guided Meditation: Notice How Sadness, Loneliness, and Anger Show Up in Your Body from Sharon Salzberg

When we try to ignore or push away strong emotions, they have a tendency to hang around uninvited in our tense shoulders, shallow breathing, and tight jaws. With this practice from Sharon Salzberg, we gently turn toward uncomfortable sensations and feelings. This may seem counterintuitive at first, but when we bring nonjudgmental awareness to difficult emo- tions, we can see how they arise, change, and go.

3. A Meditation to Remind Yourself That You Are Enough from Jenée Johnson

Self-criticism and doubt does a number on most of us at many points in our lives (and in some cases, at many points throughout a typical day). Finding our way back to compassionate connection with ourselves is often a winding and unpredictable path, but it can begin here. In this practice, Jenée Johnson guides us through five affirmations that can help us let go of comparison and remember our inherent worthiness.

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Mindful Staff December 12, 2022

Beatriz De La Espriella November 28, 2022

Kira M. Newman and Janet Ho December 1, 2022